Monday, June 1, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Under Construction!

I found some really cool "blog couture" at Please be patient with me while I attempt to redesign the blog.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So I tried to give my blog a new springy feel, but really I am just so incomptent when it comes to this blog stuff. I would love a header and a cool background. Can anyone help a sister out? Point me in the right direction? Explain the foreign language that is "blog speak?" I would love you forever :) :) :) Maybe even shower you with gifts and praise.

Okay I'm getting a little dramatic, but seriously I need help!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A couple new layouts

It's been such a nice weekend. Close to 60 both days. We've tried to get out as much as possible. So this is going to be a quick post before I eat and try to take Nicholas for a walk to the park. Not sure how that is going to go because it's almost 2 p.m. here and he still hasn't taken a nap. Here are 3 new layouts that I finished this weekend.

Girl's Night Out - my mom, cousin and sister at my Bachlorette party. Used a Paper Posies kit for this.

I used a My Creative Scrapbook kit for this layout. My husband and nephew at a family member's wedding.

And I also used the same Paper Posies kit for this layout but added some embellis from a Little Red Scrapbook kit and the butterfly in the upper right corner is a Studio Calico stamp. This is a photo of me, my mom and sister at my bridal shower.

Well that's it. I am going to check on my roast in the crock pot and get back outside. Hope you all are enjoying the fabulous weekend :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I think I'm addicted

To Pioneerwoman that is. I just "found" that site yesterday. I have heard about it before and never paid attention. So I spent most of yesterday afternoon browsing the recipes and found several that I want to make.

BUT THEN, I found the photography pages. WOW! Not only does she take incredible photos but she explains it so well. So if you have a DSLR like me and have no idea how to use it other than to press the little button and wait for the flash, she has a great tutorial. Check it out HERE.

That's it for now. I'm off to check out HIP HOP!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Loving my new UNITY RUBBAH!

I just received this in the mail yesterday:

The picture does not do the stamps justice. THEY ARE HUGE. I mean GINORMOUS! I can't wait to use them. I think there are still a couple left so I would hurry up and pick one up for yourself if you can! Such a great deal for $20!!

Well that is my little bit of excitement for the day. I am hoping to get some scrappy time in this week but we will see how that goes. I have learned not to plan things and just go with the flow - I am much happier that way.

I'm off to lunch now, hope you are enjoying your day!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sick Child + Time Change = Early Morning Car Rides

I tell you, I don't think I slept at all this weekend. Well I slept on Friday but that was because my parents kept Nicholas over night and even though I promised myself I would sleep in, I was still up at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. But it was okay, I felt good, I had slept a whole night through without getting up. I was good to go.

Saturday night, Nicholas was a little difficult to put to sleep, he finally fell asleep about 11:30 p.m. - not a big deal it's the weekend afterall. I forgot to change the clocks. And then he woke up at 3:30 a.m. (although my bedside clock said 2:30) and was up until 9:30 a.m. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It was not just that he was up, he was crying and whining the WHOLE time. He would not let me put him down and he wanted me to hold him while standing and walking. He weighs over 30 lbs so after a few hours of trying to hold him and walk around the house and him NOT falling back to sleep, I dressed him up and put him in the car for our first early morning car ride. I kept the window open a crack hoping the cool air would help him breath (he is still very congested) and it worked like a charm. He was snoring in under 5 minutes. UNTIL I tried to take him out.

Then he started screaming and crying again. So we walked some more, I tried to get him to watch t.v. or give him things to distract him. At this point I was becoming concerned that there was something really really wrong with him. So after another hour, I went back to the car and drove around for a good 30 minutes until I knew he was knocked out cold and then I brought him back in the house and went to sleep.

Needless to say we didn't get up and out of bed until 12:30 Sunday afternoon. The whole day went by pretty fast and I felt like I got nothing accomplished. My house is a disaster, my laundry is still dirty, I didn't get to scrap :( or even bake cookies like I wanted to. But Nicholas was in a better mood and nothing seemed to be bothering him so that was good.

So yes, this was my weekend. It's a very fun and exciting life I lead - please try not to be jealous. I did get one layout done on Friday that I need to take pictures of. It is for the Simply Obsessed Spring Training Crop that is going on through the month of March. So far 3 challenges have been post - I've only gotten one completed. I need to catch up!

Hope you all had a much better weekend then I did :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Quickie Post before leaving work!

Okay - I have not been around much this weekend because Nicholas is sick. He has croup. It is a very nasty, contagious virus that has him coughing like crazy only it sounds more like he is barking then coughing. Poor little guy is just not himself.

On a brighter side, I discovered a new kit club today. It's called Vintage Plum (I love love love the name). I highly suggest checking it out. I signed up for the message board and everyone there is just so sweet. The kits look like they are full of goodies including exclusive patterned papers!

Well it is approaching 5:00 p.m. here which means I am done for the day. I need to go pick up my boogie monster and head home. Home you all had a wonderful Tuesday!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

RAK Winner and another Layout!

This post is going to be short, sweet and straight to the point because Nicholas is sick! YUCK. It's been a sleep deprived day and a half. But the fever finally broke and hopefully tonight will be better. At least it is the weekend.

The Winner of the Scrappy RAK is Carol/FIBREJUNKY. Email me with your address: and I will get that out to you this week.

The layout I did today is for the contests/challenges going on over at Willow Traders in celebration of their 4th anniversary. Lots of awesome kit clubs are sponsoring. Tons of fun! Today's sponsor is Bring Your Own Memories.

Some Pink Paislee Vintage Moon papers that I have been hoarding since September along with some Jenni Bowlin crepe paper ribbon.

Okay well I must go finish making dinner while Nicholas is occupied watching WoW WOW Wubbzy. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

You Can Tell You are Getting Older...

when you actually enjoy getting up at the crack of dawn! Before I had a child, I would never EVER even CONSIDER waking up and getting out of bed at 7:00 a.m. on a weekend. But now that I have Nicholas. I don't mind. I think my body has adjusted to only have a few hours of sleep. So I was up at 6:30 this morning, made breakfast, played with N and scrapped! I had to do some "unfuns" too - grocery shop, get gas, deposit a check, all that fun weekend stuff.
So this layout is my sister with Nicholas the day after he was born. I used my February Simply Obsessed kit along with some jewels, primas and thickers from my stash.
This is Nicholas wearing his "king of cool" shirt right before christmas. I used my January Life Preservers kit and some jewels and clear snowflakes from my stash.

Well that's it. I need to start dinner now and some laundry! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I cleaned out some of my supplies over the weekend and I have TONS of scrappy stuff sitting in a pile that I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to give away. So my first giveaway is simple....just follow me. Click the follow me button and viola you are entered! Easy peasy!

Your prize will be a surprise but it could include papers, embellishments, rub ons, parts of a kit, etc.

I will pick a Winner on Sunday.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


The winner of some Unity fun is Ronda Simpson!!

According to

True Random Number Generator
Min: 1
Max: 29
Result: 26

Ronda Simpson said...
Saw the invite on SO!! Just popped in to see what's going on!! Sure wished it would snow here in Texas!! :)
February 23, 2009 10:35 PM

Ronda please email me with your info: or pm me on SO. Thanks everyone for playing along. I plan on cleaning out more scrappy supplies and will have more raks in the near future!

Hope you have a great FAT tuesday (said as I am eating my second krispie kreme).

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I was just looking through some of my stamps. I a Unity wood mounted single to give away as a RAK. Just leave a comment here and I will pick someone on Monday night!

Snow = Scrapping!

It didn't snow nearly as much as predicted - probably only about an inch or two out there but I spent most of my morning scrapping. I got 1 layout done last night and 3 done this morning.
I only photographed two of them so far.

This one is using my January Simply Obsessed kit. My little guy in the snow for the first time with his Papa (my dad). He wasn't a big fan. I also used the most recent Triple the Sketch for this layout.

And this one is my sister's soon to be baby girl. I used the My Creative Scrapbook February kit that I traded a fellow Willow for. I scraplifted some this layout from the MCS DT. Have I mentioned how great they are!

It says "today is the day I fell in love." This is my niece's first scrapbook page of many I am sure. I am waiting for new ultrasound pictures and pics of my sister's big ole belly too so I can keep adding to it.
Well I am off to scrap some more! I think I am going to pull out the sewing machine and use that on a layout. I also need to do some laundry - although that is not as fun.

ETA: I am really on a roll... I took advantage of nap time and Nicholas fell asleep early so I got a ton done!

Using the My Creative Scrapbook February Kit. Does anyone else have the hardest time with THICKERS? I can never get them to stick. They are constantly falling off. Doesn't even matter what type of Thickers, they all don't stick! Maybe it's just me though :)

I used a Homegrown add on kit for this. I bought a few add ons but ended up selling the Fall Survival kit because I just didn't have the time for it. I kept the Halloween add on because of all the yummy MM goodies!

This layout is from the February Little Red Scrapbook kit. Lots of Webster Pages goodies. I was unsure how I would feel about this kit because the websters pages weren't really my style but I love this layout. This is my sister last month - 5 months pregnant.

I used the January Life preservers kit for this layout. I also used some Unity stamps! I bought tons of these stamps and have never gotten around to using them on a layout. I love this set - - Jolly Little Winter. So cute!

Well that's it for today. I am going to watch a movie now that I have some time to myself. Tomorrow I am off to a Bingo Fundraiser for most of the afternoon. Then it's back to work.

Well so much for a movie and time to myself - Nicholas is awake!

Goodnight everyone!

Friday, February 20, 2009


I know original title. But that is how I feel. It's a friday night, I just got back from the grocery store. I wanted to make sure I got all my "errands" done before the big snow storm we are expectinh. Yes, you read that right. SNOW STORM = UGH! We are expecting 8 to 11 inches and it is supposed to start snowing around 11:00 p.m. and continue until tomorrow afternoon - UGH!

I guess I should look on the bright side - plenty of time for laundry, cleaning, cooking, playing with cute monster-like child and SCRAPPING.

Here are two of my most recent layouts made with the My Creative Scrapbook December Limited Edition kit. This MME paper is so fun!

My sister and her fiancee. They are expecting a baby girl in June.

My handsome little man. I just can't get enough of him. I scrap lifted this layout from the DT at My Creative Scrapbook. They have an awesome DT!

Well that's it for now. It's 9:15. I hope to get Nicholas down for bed and try to start scrapping. Have a great night everyone!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

So Sketchy #7

I'm home today and tomorrow. I am so happy to be home with my little man and have a chance to clean my house, do laundry, COOK (yes I am going to cook - hopefully I will not burn anything or set the house on fire). My dad is having surgery to repair a tear in his knee today. So Nicholas is home with me to give Gamma & Papa a break from babysitting duties. Hopefully I will get lots of scrapping done this weekend.

I frequent Kristii Lockart's blog "Honestly Speaking", I just love her bubbly personality and gorgeous layouts. She is on the DT for the So Sketchy blog. So I thought while I am home and have the extra time I would try one of the sketches. I did Sketch #7 which was just posted today.

Here is my take on it.

My layout is somewhat on the simple side but I like it. I love the bright colors in these My Mind's Eye Starbright papers. I used my May 2008 Personal Scrapper kit. My goal is to start using up all those kits in my closet.

Well, I am off to do some laundry, straighten up the house so that when Nicholas goes down for a nap I can scrap some more. I think I am going to try the Triple the Sketch blog next.

And also, today is Thursday which means that it is HIP HOP over at Unity Stamp Company. I just love their stamps. If you have some time today check out hip hop - you can win free stamps. Do the blog hop for some awesome inspiration!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More Layouts! I'm on a Roll!

I did four more layouts during the Willow Traders use a kit challenge. These are from an older Transparent Touches and Tags kit. I love that kit club because there are always 3 kits to choose from: a girl kit; a boyish kit; and a neutral kit. One of the very few kit clubs that offer boyish kits! Or at least that is my opinion. Anywho here are two of the layouts. I need to take pictures of the other two. Maybe tonight, I will have some time. I am loving the look of stitching on my layouts with my new sewing machine.

Wow how time flies. Nicholas was only 2 months old in both these layouts. Now he is almost 18 months. It seems so long ago. Makes me kind of sad but also a little relieved because he is starting to sleep better and eat real food and say words. My sister is due in June with a little girl so I will get my baby fix and my girlie-girl pink and fru-fru fix. Heeehee. I need a couple years of sleep before I think of having another one!

I am getting ready to leave work for the day. Have a great night!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Life Preserver Club - December 2008 kit

I finally got in some scrapping time. I received a sewing machine for Christmas and am loving the look of it on my pages (if you can't tell). Willow Traders is having a "Use a Kit" challenge. I picked this kit to use. All I had left after these layouts and the card was one piece of patterned paper, some trim and the rest of the thickers. It was awesome having the day off today and being able to scrap a little. Now, I am off to make a big Turkey dinner (my first time making a turkey). My dad found turkeys on sale and gave one to me and my sister to make for dinner for our families. Turkey, mashed taters, stuffing (stovetop - but it still counts), veggies and cranberry sauce. I can't wait!
Hope everyone had a nice long weekend!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

This is not scrapbook related but fun!

If you haven't heard of Swagbucks my suggestion is you go here and sign up. What is swagbucks? It is a search engine. Works pretty much the same as google except that everytime you search for something you can earn "swagbucks" or points. You can trade these swagbucks in for giftcards. I joined a few weeks ago and just traded my swagbucks in for a Target gift card. They also had Barnes & Noble, Macy's and Starbucks that I can remember off the top of my head. Pretty cool concept for something we do every single day! If you have any questions, feel free to leave me a comment.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I scrapped!

wooo hooo! it's only been forever. its a very simple layout but still I SCRAPPED!

It's not the best picture but it's pretty dreary here. It has been snowing since late last night and we are expect snow every day through Tuesday or Wednesday! Just a simple layout of my son and sister. I am loving the look of distressed edges. Hopefully I will get more time to scrap today during nap time but I am still a little flu-ish so I may just lay down and take a nap too. Hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend!